Antifoulant System
Antifoulant Coating Description
Add AFC Documentation
Step 1: Click Add.
Step 2: Enter details in all required fields.
Step 3: Search Manufacturer from the generated list.
Step 4: Choose Coating Type from the generated list.
Step 5: Choose Product from the generated list.
Step 6: Choose Date of Application using the Calendar function.
Step 7: Choose Expected Life in years of AFC.
Step 8: Optional - Enter Other Specifications as necessary.
Step 9: Select Niche/s. Multiple Niches are able to be selected.
Step 10: Click Save.
Step 11: The AFC Documentation will now appear in the table with a Red Status, indicating there is no Document uploaded.
Attach Documents
Step 12: To Upload Documentation Files. Click on the required Product and Click Actions > Attach Documents. Alternatively, click Add under the documentation column in the list. Click Save.
To Drag and drop file, left click on the file and drag to the blue lined box, drop the file.
To upload from Browse files. Click to Select required file/s. Multiple files can be seleced. Click Open.
Documents are successfully uploaded once the document bar is Green.
The drop down menu will display all uploaded attachments for each AFC Documentation entry. To download the uploaded attachment, click on the file.
To Delete any attachments, Click Edit and Delete the individual Documents inside the AFC entry.
Edit AFC Documentation
Step 1: Click Actions and Edit.
Step 2: Edit as required. Click Save.
Delete AFC Documentation
Step 1: Click Actions and Delete.
Step 2: A dialogue box will appear confirming the deletion of the AFC Documentation. Click Delete.