Statistics Report provide a detailed risk assessment on all Vessels in your Regulator jurisdiction.
Charts are displayed for the following statistics:
- Total Unique Vessel Visits
- % Registered Vessel Entries
- Vessel Types
- Last Port of Call Countries
- Last Port of Calls
- Nominations
- Total Nominations
- Risk Assessments
- Total Risk Assessments
Focus Mode
Focus Mode shows the selected chart on individual pages to enable the User to focus on one chart at a time.
Export Data
Select More Options > Export Data. Save the summarized data in an .xlsx or .csv file format.
Show as Table
Select More Options > Show as a table. Show as a table will show the chart and data table on a new tab.
Select More Options > Spotlight. Spotlight will highlight the selected chart and deselect other charts.
Chart Features
Some charts may be sorted by descending, ascending or other Vessel particulars.