Antifoulant Coating |
AFS Convention |
The International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001. |
Automatic Identification System - an automatic tracking system that uses transponders on ships. |
Algal Growth |
Growth of algae that is visible to the naked eye. Algae may be either single-celled filamentous forms or multicelled macroalgae (seaweed) species and includes coralline algae. |
Antifoulant Coating System |
The combination of all component coatings, surface treatments (including primer, sealer, binder, anti-corrosive and anti-fouling coatings) or other surface treatments, used on a ship to control or prevent attachment of unwanted aquatic organisms. |
Antifoulant System |
A coating, paint, surface treatment, surface, or device that is used on a ship to control or prevent attachment of unwanted organisms. |
Ballast Water |
Water (including sediment that is or has been contained in water) held in tanks and cargo holds of ships to increase stability and maneuverability during transit. |
Ballast Water Convention |
The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’ Ballast Water and Sediments. |
Biocide |
Any substance used with the intention of destroying, deterring, rendering harmless, preventing the action of, or otherwise exerting a controlling effect on, any harmful organism by any means other than mere physical or mechanical action. Examples include disinfectants, preservatives, antiseptics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. |
Biofouling |
The attachment of marine organisms to any part of a vessel hull (including the hulls, rudders, propellers and other hull appendages) or internal seawater systems (including sea chests and pipe work), or any equipment or equipment spaces attached to or onboard the vessel (including mooring devices, anchor wells, cable lockers, cargo spaces and bilges. Biofouling is also known as hull fouling. |
Biofouling Information Summary Report |
Summary report, generated from Vessel-Check, relating to a Vessel's biofouling management profile. |
Biofouling Risk Assessment Summary Report |
Risk assessment summary report, generated from Vessel-Check, relating to a Vessel's most recent port nomination. |
Biosecurity |
The management of the risks to the economy, the environment, and the community, of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading. |
A Biofouling Management Plan as outlined in the Guidelines for the control and management of ships' biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species (Biofouling Guidelines) (resolution MEPC.207(62)) |
A Biofouling Management Record Book as outlined in the Guidelines for the control and management of ships' biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species (Biofouling Guidelines) (resolution MEPC.207(62)) |
Boot-top |
The area of the hull that is subject to alternating immersion due to a vessel’s movement or loading conditions. |
Same as BMRB. |
A Ballast Water Management Certificate verifies the vessel has been surveyed to a standard compliant with the Convention and states the principle management methods used. |
A Ballast Water Management Plan (also referred to as a management plan) is specific to the vessel and provides the appropriate procedures for the safe management of ballast water on that vessel. |
A Ballast Water Management System, also known as a treatment system, is a system designed to remove and destroy/inactivate biological organisms (zooplankton, algae, and bacteria) from ballast water. These systems must be approved by the International Maritime Organization. |
A Ballast Water Record System which is a complete and accurate record of all ballast water operations. |
Cleaning of Biofouling |
The physical removal of biofouling organisms from a surface. |
DHI Water and Environment Pty Ltd - Surfers Paradise, Australia |
Empty Tank |
Ballast tanks that contain less than, or equal to, 5 per cent high risk water based on the total tank capacity. |
Epifauna |
Organism living on the surface of the seabed, attached to submerged objects or aquatic animals or plants. |
Established Marine Pest |
A pest that, for the foreseeable future, is perpetuated within any area and which it is deemed not feasible to eradicate. |
Established Population |
A self-sustaining population of an introduced species. |
Exotic Marine Species |
Any species not normally considered to occur and that may or may not be present in a jurisdictions marine environment. |
Flagged Vessel |
Regulator feature - Feature allowing regulators manage and securely share a vessel's biofouling/biosecurity status between regulatory authorities. |
Harmful Aquatic Organisms |
Aquatic organisms which, if introduced into coastal water, may adversely affect the environment or biological diversity, pose a threat to human health, or interfere with legitimate use or protection of natural and physical human health, or interfere with legitimate use or protection of natural and physical resources in the coastal environment. |
Hull Area |
The immersed surfaces of a vessel excluding niche areas and boot-top. |
Hull Husbandry |
Biofouling management actions or practices which reduced the level of biofouling on a vessels hull (e.g. dry docking, in-water cleaning) or provide evidence on the amount of biofouling present (e.g. in-water inspection). |
Invasive Aquatic Species |
International Maritime Organisation |
Implementation |
Putting a decision or plan into effect |
Invasive Marine Species |
Infauna |
Organism living in the sediments of the ocean floor, river or lake bed. |
Introduced Marine Species |
A species that is found in a jurisdictions waters as a result of human activity, whether by accidental or intentional release, escape, dissemination or placement. |
Invasive |
Ability of an introduced species to spread across natural or semi-natural habitats by its own means and form dominant populations. |
Invasive Aquatic Species |
Species which may pose threats to human, animal and plant life, economic and cultural activities and the aquatic environment. |
In-water Cleaning |
The physical removal of biofouling from a ship while in the water. |
In-water Treatment Systems |
Treatments that are applied directly to the fouled area of the vessel to render biofouling organisms nonviable in situ, but which do not remove the organisms physically. Surface-treatments may include, but are not limited to, systems that apply heat, biocides or ultrasound to biofouled areas of the vessel. |
Jurisdiction |
All the relevant states and territories of a nation. |
Layup |
Vessels which have temporarily been taken out of service (e.g. due to lack of charter or cargo). ‘Hot Lay up’ and ‘Cold Lay up’ are two common techniques of laying up the vessels. During a Hot Lay-up, the vessel is out of service but can be mobilised into service at a short notice. Whereas in cold lay up, the vessel is moored or anchored at a safe place, awaiting newer employment / charter. |
Lethal Agent |
The method used by treatment systems to render the biofouling nonviable. This could be a biocide, de-oxygenation or a physical treatment such as elevated temperature. |
Log |
Regulator feature - Feature allowing regulators to record notes/information to a vessel which are only visible to regulators |
Macrofouling |
Distinct multicellular biofouling organisms that are visible to the human eye, such as barnacles, tubeworms, hydroids or fronds of algae. Does not include microscopic organisms that comprise the slime layer. |
Manual Systems |
The physical removal of biofouling organisms by hand or using small hand-held tools. Manual removal may include the use of hand-held scrapers, brushes or pads. |
Marine Growth Prevention System (MGPS) |
An antifouling system used for the prevention of biofouling accumulation in internal seawater cooling systems and sea chests and can include the use of anodes, injection systems and electrolysis. |
Marine Pest |
An exotic marine species that is the subject of national marine pest biosecurity; it causes, or is likely to cause, unacceptable impacts to the environment, economy, human health or social values. |
Mechanical Systems |
The physical removal of biofouling organisms using powered tools or equipment. Mechanical systems may include the use of powered rotary brushes, pads, and blades, or high-pressure water or cavitation jets and may be operated by divers or mounted on remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). |
Microfouling |
A layer of microscopic organisms including bacteria and diatoms and the slimy substances they produce. It is often referred to as a ‘slime layer’ and can be easily removed by gently passing a finger over the surface. |
Niche Areas |
Areas of a vessels hull that are susceptible to biofouling due to different hydrodynamic forces; susceptibility to coating system wear or damage; or being inadequately, or not, painted. They include, but are not limited to, anodes, bilge keels, sea chests, thrusters, propellers, propeller shafts, inlet gratings, and dry-docking support strips. |
Nomination |
A vessel's port arrival event, usually generated automatically via AIS, but can be made manually by the Vessel Manager. |
Non-indigenous Species |
Those organisms which are not native to a jurisdiction. |
Non-viable |
Biological material (adult, tissue or propagules) that is not capable of living and developing to reproductive maturity in the marine environment. |
Port State Authority |
Any official or organization authorized by the Government of a port State to verify the compliance and enforcement of standards and regulations relevant to the implementation of national and international shipping control measures. |
Proactive In-water Cleaning/Treatment |
Removal or treatment of microfouling from a vessel as part of a biofouling management program (also known as hull grooming). |
Propagules |
Any non-adult biological material that is used for the purpose of propagating an organism to the next stage in its life cycle. May include dispersive gametes, seeds, spores or regenerative tissue. |
Reactive In-water Cleaning/Treatment |
Removal or treatment of biofouling (i.e., macrofouling) from unmanaged or poorly maintained vessels or areas where antifouling coatings have failed or become damaged. |
Regulation |
A rule or order, as for conduct, prescribed by authority; a governing direction or law. |
Regulator |
Any official or organization authorized by the Government of a port State to verify the compliance and enforcement of standards and regulations relevant to the implementation of national and international shipping control measures. |
Resolution MEPC.207(62) |
IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee, 2011 Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships' Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species. |
Risk |
The chance that the vessels management practices are not sufficient to mitigate the transfer of an invasive aquatic pest. Risk can also be referred to as Indicative risk. |
Risk Metric |
A risk assessment process which considers only one aspect of a vessels biofouling management. |
Remotely Operated Vehicle. |
Sealed Tanks |
Ballast tanks that are permanently sealed and unable to receive or discharge ballast water from the environment. Vessels that have been fitted with spectacle blinds or similar, and do not intend to discharge or uptake ballast water during normal operations, are considered to have sealed tanks. |
Ship |
A vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the aquatic environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft, fixed or floating platforms, floating storage units (FSUs) and floating production storage and off-loading units (FPSOs). |
Sloshing |
The official term for the movement of water in a slack tank. Such movement can be so violent that it causes damage to structural steelwork inside a vessel’s tank. |
Species |
A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial. |
States |
Coastal, port or Member States as appropriate. |
Taskbar |
Left hand menu when logged into the Vessel-Check portal. |
Translocation |
The accidental or intentional transportation of an organism from one location to another. |
Treatment |
A process which may use a mechanical, physical, chemical or biological method to remove or render sterile, invasive or potentially invasive aquatic species fouling a ship. |
User |
A login email and password to the VC portal. |
UserAdmin |
A login email and password to the VC portal. The UserAdmin has User Management rights (add, approve, revoke & delete) |
VC |
Vessel-Check |
Vector |
The physical means, agent or mechanism that facilitates the transfer of organisms, or their propagules, from one place to another. |
Vessel Manager |
Authorised person for accessing the VC portal and managing a vessels biofouling information. |
Vessel Operator |
Authorised person for accessing the VC portal and managing a vessels biofouling information. |
Vessel Owner |
The legal owner of a vessel. |
Vessel |
A vessel of any type operating in the marine environment and includes submersibles, floating craft, fixed or floating platforms, floating storage units and floating production storage and off-loading units. |