Services Pricing
Vessel-Check has 3 primary customer groups – Regulators, Vessel Managers & Service Providers
Regulators include entities that have aquatic biosecurity responsibility for a place(s) (e.g. ports, jurisdictions, marine title holders) and could be jurisdictional authorities, government agencies, port authorities, oil and gas companies or similar. Fees have 2 components – user access and AIS data charges. We offer customised demonstrations and a free evaluation period. Please contact us at for more information.
Vessel Managers
Vessel Managers have the option of our FREE service providing a cloud based management tool to streamline your biosecurity management. Coming in late 2020, we will be offering a premium service delivering operational savings with fees charged per quarter per vessel and no lock-in-contract. Please contact us at for more information.
Services Providers
Service Provider offerings are being developed and will be launched early 2021. Please note that some Service Providers might want to use the free vessel manager registration if they are providing services to Users/Vessels registered on Vessel-Check. Please contact us at for more information.
Development Charges
We’re able to provide customised development for our clients. This starts with a brief discussion around needs and can be a straight forward exercise. For more involved requirements we can arrange a workshop with our technical people to map out a customer’s requirements and other related factors. We will then develop a scope of works for review and discussion. Once agreed we will provide a fee proposal for consideration.